Title : Effect of green laser irradiation on hydrogen production
Author :

Dr.Eng. Waskito Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si. (4)

Date : 0 2014
Keyword : hydrogen production hydrogen production
Abstract : The effect of green laser irradiation on hydrogen production via water electrolysis was investigated. Diode pumped solid-state laser operating in second harmonic generation was employed as a source of irradiation. The hydrogen production system was also irradiated by a conventional light, a halogen source, for comparison. The best catalyst was identified by mixing distilled water with two types of salt: NaCl and Na2SO4. Optimization of hydrogen production from water electrolysis was realized by using NaCl and green laser irradiation. The power of green laser irradiation and the concentration of NaCl in water contribute to hydrogen production. The hydrogen yield also depends on the distance and direction of the green beam to the electrode.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 lpl_11_6_066001.pdf
Document Type : Bukti Published
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