Title : Effect of Metal Film, Thickness and Various Solvents on the SPR Biosensor Sensitivity for illegal Compound Detection
Author :

Suherman, S.Si., M.Sc. Ph.D (1) Kinichi Morita (2) Md. Motahar Hossain (3) Toshikazu Kawaguchi (4)

Date : 2018
Keyword : Surface plasmon resonance, Metal film thickness, Clenbuterol, Indirect competitive inhibition method Surface plasmon resonance, Metal film thickness, Clenbuterol, Indirect competitive inhibition method
Abstract : The development of sensitive surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor for the detection of illegal compound (clenbuterol) was conducted. For the construction of SPR sensor surface, the influence of gold film thickness variations toward resonance angle shift was investigated in order to optimize the metal film effect on the sensitivity of detection. In addition, for the construction of SPR sensor surface, the various solvents used in the dilution of thiol compound, antigen and blocking agent of ethanolamine, were examined. From the gold film thickness variation conducted by sputtering deposition method, it was found that the best thickness for SPR sensor surface was 45-50 nm. This film thickness produce the best SPR angle shift profile with better signal to noise ratio (SNR). Moreover, the best solvents combination for the dilution of dithiobis (succinimidyl propionate) (DSP thiol), clenbuterol antigen and ethanolamine blocking agent were methanol and PBS buffer solution; respectively. By using this combination of solvents, SPR sensor surface could be used for multiple analyses up to 100 times by using 0.2 M NaOH for surface regeneration process. Clenbuterol was investigated as target compound in this study due to massive used in the livestock (pigs, cows, etc.) by farmers for improving the profit, illegally. The illegal compound was detected by indirect competitive inhibition method. By comparing several thickness of gold film in the construction of the SPR sensor surface, 45-50 nm metal film thickness shows the better sensitivity by 5 ppt.
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 OJC_Vol34_No3_p_1355-1361.pdf
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