Title : Estimation of IBNR and RBNS reserve by detailed conditioning method
Author :

Dr. Adhitya Ronnie Effendie, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc. (1) RINJANI PEBRIAWAN (2)

Date : 0 2017
Keyword : general insurances ,claim reserving,background variabels,GLM general insurances ,claim reserving,background variabels,GLM
Abstract : Evaluation of future obligantions of an insurance company and its solvency capital has become the center of attention in general insurance. To that end, our paper suggests a claim reserve estimation method devoted to individual claims in discrete time. Our method uses the claim informations which would then be formed into the calim characteristics as a condition in the calculation. We take into account not only the infomations of individual claims and claim charateritics (the length of claims, reporting delay), but also background variables, which are the addition of claims information. We use generalized linear model (GLM) to add background variables in the calculation of the estimated reserve. By using the original data from a general insurance company, we apply this method and compare it to some existing methods.
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action