Title : Experiment of Model Based Non Linear Control Design for Altitude Control of Quadrotor Using Vision-­Based Localization System
Author :

Prof. Dr. Salmah, M.Si. (4)

Date : 2013
Keyword : quadrotor,attitude control,vision based localization,model based nonlinear control quadrotor,attitude control,vision based localization,model based nonlinear control
Abstract : This paper presents an application of altitude control for quadrotor. The proposed control algorithm is a model based non linear control using a vision-based localization system. The control function is derived from the dynamical system of the quadrotor. In the experiment, parameter adjustment is carried out by observing dynamic performances. Experimental shows that the quadrotor can produce satisfactory response by using the system arrangement.
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action