Title : Experimental Study of the Impact of the Electrical Power of Sound Source System on the Temperature Decrease of a Thermoacoustic Refrigerator
Author :

Ikhsan Setiawan, S.Si., M.Si. (1) Prof. Dr. Agung Bambang Setio Utomo, S.U. (2)

Date : 0 2009
Keyword : thermoacoustic refrigerator, temperature decrease, electrical power, sound source thermoacoustic refrigerator, temperature decrease, electrical power, sound source
Abstract : Thermoaccoustic refrigerator is an environmentally friendly cooling system because it uses air or noble gas as a working medium rather that freon or other hazardous gas as in conventional cooling system. This system utilizes sound wave to provide work for transferring heat from the cold to the hot reservoirs through an heat exchanger element called as stack which is placed in a resonator tube. The sound source system consists of a loudspeaker, an audio ampilier, and a signal generator. We used free air at atmospheric pressure at room temperature as working medium in the resonator tube. In our work,it has been experimentally studied the influence of the electrical power of sound source system on the temperature decrease of the cold reservoir of a thermoacoustic refrigerator. The experiment results show that the higher the electrical power, the greater the temperature decrease of the cold reservoir, and this maximum temperature decrease is achieved more quickly. It has been achieved that the maximum temperature decreament is around 10,3 C, it means that the air temperature in the cold reservoir has been down to around 19,7 C which is attained by using the applied electrical power of around 100 W (rms). However, this situation occured only in the begining of the operation ( 1-2 minutes), and then the temperature of the cold reservoir gradually increased because of the flowing back of the heat from the hot reservoir to the cold reservoir throughing stack and resonator wall because of a great temperature difference between those reservoirs. On the other hand, for a lower electrical power (< 30 W rms), the cooling process occured slowly, but after 12 minutes of operation, the final temperature was lower than that of for a higher electrical power.
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