Title : Fish Eye Imaging as Water Pollution Bioindicator using Photoacoustic Tomography System
Author :

ETA WAHANA PRASETIA (1) Fikhri Astina Tasmara (2) Prof. Dr. Mitrayana, S.Si., M.Si. (3)

Date : 6 2023
Keyword : Photoacoustic,NaOCl,fish eye,concentration,Mujair fish Photoacoustic,NaOCl,fish eye,concentration,Mujair fish
Abstract : An imaging study of Mujair (Oreochromis mossambicus) fish eye with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) treatment has been carried out using a photoacoustic tomography device based on a diode laser and a condenser microphone. Arduino IDE controls the system via LabVIEW software and laptop. Condenser microphone characterization and slide scanning using stepper motors are accurate and can be used to collect research data. The results of the optimization system settings for fisheye imaging are 16 kHz, with a 50 percent duty cycle. Changes in sample shape and burning occur at duty cycles above 60 percent. The results of the average sound intensity of the NaOCl immersion time decrease. The photoacoustic tomography system can image samples and significant color differences between concentration and immersion time which can detect patterns and show differences in sound intensity. The difference between the color of the fish's eye and the sound intensity shows the degree of water pollution in a given environment.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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