Title : Pengukuran Frekuensi Bunyi Saron Demung Laras Pelog Gamelan Jawa Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Visual Analyser
Author :

Prof. Dr. Mitrayana, S.Si., M.Si. (1) V. J. Cytasari (2)

Date : 0 2014
Keyword : frequency, sound, Saron Demung frequency, sound, Saron Demung
Abstract : The research on “THE SOUND FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT OF JAVANESE GAMELAN’S SARON DEMUNG LARAS PELOG WITH VISUAL ANALYSER SOFTWARE” is aimed at investigating the frequency characteristics of sound on gamelan, especially Saron Demung Laras Pelog. Saron Demung Laras Pelog is a traditional music instrument which does not have standard tuning like other musical instruments yet. Currently, gamelan tuning is usually carried out by experts, that is by using their feeling based on their experience. Each gamelan produced is different in its tuning. Therefore, it is expected that the result of this research can be used as a standardization of gamelan musical instrument, especially Saron Demung Laras Pelog. The research was carried out by using a microphone connected directly to a computer. The computer was supported by Visual Analyser, a software that can display spectrum and frequency of the sound of the observed gamelan. By hitting constantly on each ‘wilahan’, the value of resonance frequency of Saron Demung Laras Pelog was obtained either from frequency meter column directly or by dragging the cursor to the peak of maximum amplitude. The research results indicate that the average resonance frequency (f0) and the uncertainty value (?f0) for Saron Demung Laras Pelog from key 1 through 7 are (289 ± 6) Hz, (319 ± 7) Hz, (336 ± 7) Hz, (392 ± 8) Hz, (429 ± 8) Hz, (455 ± 8) Hz, and (505 ± 9) Hz respectively.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action
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