Title : Generalisasi Dari Ring Regular Von Neumann ke Modul Regular Von Neumann (Teknik dan Sifat-Sifat)
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Date : 0 2022
Abstract : An element ???? in a commutative ring ???? is called regular if there exist ????∈???? such that ????????????=????. Ring ???? is called vN (von-Neumann)-regular ring if every element is regular. Recall that for any ring ???? always can be considered as module over itself. Using the fact, it is natural to generalize the definition of vN-regular ring to vN-regular module. Depend on the ways in generalizing there will be some different version in defining the vN-regular module. The first who defined the concept of regular module is Fieldhouse (1969). According to Fieldhouse (1969), module ???? over ???? is vN-regular if every sudmodule in ???? is pure submodule. Secondly Ramamuthi and Rangaswamy (1973) defined the concept of strongly regular module of Fieldhouse by giving stronger requirement. Afterward Jayaram and Tekir (2018) defined the concept of vN-regular module by generalizing the regular element in ring to regular element in ????-module ????. Jayaram and Tekir (2018) defined vN-regular module as follow. Module ???? over ???? is regular if for any ????∈???? there exist element ????-vn regular ????∈???? such that ????????=????????. Lastly Anderson, et al. (2019) defined the concept of weak regular module of Jayaram and Tekir by weakening the requirement. In this paper we investigate the properties of each module regular. The results are: if ???? finitely generated module over ???? then ???? vN-regular module of Jayaram and Tekir version if and only if every submodule of ???? also vN-regular module of Jayaram and Tekir version. If ???? finitely generated over ???? then ???? vN-regular module of Jayaram and Tekir version if and only if ???? is vN-regular module of Fieldhouse version. In general, we have the following result: ???? is vN-regular module of Ramamuthi and Rangaswamy version ⇒ ???? is vN-regular module of Fieldhouse version ⇒ ???? is vN-regular module of Anderson, et al. version.
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
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