Title : Geology and Ore Characteristics of Low Sulfidation Epithermal Gold Mineralization at Tambang Sawah, Lebong, Bengkulu Province
Author :

MUHAMMAD MUHSIN AL H (1) Dr.rer nat. Ir. Arifudin Idrus, ST., MT., IPU. (2) Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si. (3)

Date : 16 2022
Keyword : Mineralization,epithermal gold,Bengkulu,low sulfidation,Tambang Sawah Lebong Bengkulu Mineralization,epithermal gold,Bengkulu,low sulfidation,Tambang Sawah Lebong Bengkulu
Abstract : Tambang Sawah Area, Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, is geologically located in the Barisan mountains and Sumatra fault zone. The prospect of Tambang Sawah area lies in the physiography of the centralSumatran mountain’s ranges composed by the igneous rocks of the Sunda –Banda magmatic arc. This study is aimed to understand the deposit geology and ore characteristics of the gold deposit at the study area. Quartz vein mineralization of Tambang Sawah occurred in granite rock intruded into andesitic breccia rocks, with the geological structure of mineralization control in the form of joint, breccia, dike, and fault, namely the Ketahun fault that forms extentional fracture zones which were filled by hydrothermal fluid in form of quartz veins. Hydrothermal alterations that appear at the study site are typical types of alterations found in epithermal gold deposits, namely, argillic, silicified and propylitic. Sulfide minerals markers of low sulfidation epithermal type gold deposits found, namely, pyrite, calcopyrite, covelite, sphalerite and galena with colloform vein texture, cockade-crustiform, moss, and brecciated texture. Gold is interpreted to be derived from the deposition of sulfide minerals and the deposition of quartz veins, the level of gold in rocks and veins varies greatly with an average 4,8 ppm. Based on the results of ore geochemical analysis of positively correlated gold with elements Ag, Cu, Pb and Zn.
Group of Knowledge : Geologi
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
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