Title : High Accuracy Automatic Phase Picking Method in Earthquake and Microearthquake for Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS) and Geothermal Field in Indonesia
Author :

Theodosius Marwan Irnaka, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr. (1) Prima Wira Kusuma Wardhani (2) Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si. (3)

Date : 2012
Keyword : automatic,picking,STA/LTA,AR-AIC,earthquake automatic,picking,STA/LTA,AR-AIC,earthquake
Abstract : Automatic phase picking in earthquake and microearthquake has become one challenge for every seismologist in Indonesia. Not to mention, rapid growth of seismic network and government awareness of earthquake hazards has become two big issues. Several methods have also been developed by seismologist all around the globe. Two methods that popular are STA/LTA and AR-AIC. STA/LTA is a method based on average value in certain window time; otherwise, AR-AIC is based on auto regressive and akaike information criterion that separate event into two intervals (noise and signal interval). In this paper, those two methods are compared and assess. Three sample of earthquake event acquired at geothermal area is used. Earthquake data with relatively low, medium and high S/N value was selected. The results, AR-AIC have better accuracy than STA/LTA for either low to high S/N ratio and combination of those two method (STA/LTA and AR-AIC) which previously proposed by Akazawa (2004) will give us high accuracy onset time estimation. note: full author list : Theodosius Marwan Irnaka, Wiwit Suryanto , Prima Wira Kusuma Wardhani
Group of Knowledge : Geofisika
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action