Title : Hydrocracking of LDPE Plastic Waste Into Liquid Fuel over Sulfated Zirconia from a Commercial Zirconia Nanopowder
Author :

LATIFAH HAULI (1) Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karna Wijaya, M.Eng. (2) Akhmad Syoufian, Ph.D. (3)

Date : 0 2019
Keyword : Catalyst,Fuel,LDPE Plastic,Sulfated Zirconia Catalyst,Fuel,LDPE Plastic,Sulfated Zirconia
Abstract : Hydrocracking of LDPE plastic waste into liquid fuel was conducted by using sulfated zirconia (SZ) and Cr metal supported on SZ (Cr/SZ) catalysts. Catalysts were prepared and characterized by SEM-EDS, SAA, and TGA-DTA. The liquid produced was characterized by GC-MS. The characterization result showed the sulfate group was successfully impregnated on ZrO2 nano powder with the higher content of S and O than ZrO2 and then decreased after addition of Cr metal as confirmed in SEM-EDS result. All catalysts were in mesoporous material as observed by SAA characterization and also showed the highest specific surface area of Cr/SZ catalyst of 14.56 m2g-1. The catalytic activity increased by the presence of Cr on SZ with liquid produced about 40.15%. Hydrocracking process also increased the gasoline fraction and the highest gasoline fraction was produced by Cr/SZ catalyst about 89.91%.
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 OJC_Vol35_No1_p_128-133.pdf
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2 Hydrocracking of LDPE Plastic Waste Into Liquid Fuel over Sulfated Zirconia from a Commercial Zirconia Nanopowder.pdf
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3 Universitas Gadjah Mada Mail - Revised Article-OJC-11931-18.pdf
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