Title : Hydrocracking of oil residue from palm oil mill effluent to biofuel
Author :

Hasanudin (1) Muhammad Said (2) Muhammad Faizal (3) Muhammad Hatta Dahlan (4) Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karna Wijaya, M.Eng. (5)

Date : 1 2012
Keyword : Biofuel,palm oil,montmorillonite,hydrocracking,catalyst Biofuel,palm oil,montmorillonite,hydrocracking,catalyst
Abstract : The total palm oil production has increased in the last few years, as a result, palm oil waste which is a by-product of the milling process will also increase. The palm oil production process in mills consists of several unit operations. The processing of fresh fruit bunches of palm results in the generation of different types of residue. Among the waste generated, palm oil mill ef fluent (POME) is considered as the most harmful waste for the environment if discharged untreated. POME is a thick brownish liquid that contains high solids, oil and grease. Several treatment technologies have been used for POME treatment, since the direct discharge of POME adversely affects the environment. Due to the presence of high oil residue in POME, attempts have been made to recover and convert it into valuable products such as usefull chemicals and biofuel. Recovery process of oil residue from POME is difficult and not economical; therefore, its alternative usage is explored. In a preliminary study, we observed that it was possible to produce various types of liquid hydrocarbons fuel (biofuel) from oil residue from POME. Oil residue from POME has been catalytically hyrdrocracked to biofuel by Ni/Mo-ZrO pillared monmorillonite catalyst in fixed bed micro reactor. The data show 2 that the catalytic activity of ZrO pillared montmorillonite (ZM) is more active than parent 2 monmorillonite. While, catalyst Ni/Mo loaded on ZM can increase the catalytic activity for hydrocracking of oil residue from POME into biofuel. The products were mainly gases, biofuel and solid coke. The biofuel products consist of gasoline, kerosene and diesel oil fraction
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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