Title : Hydrocracking of waste lubricant into gasoline fraction over CoMo catalyst supported on mesoporous carbon from bovine bone gelatin
Author :

MARTHINUS P. (1) Prof. Dra. Wega Trisunaryanti, M.S., Ph.D.,Eng. (2) FARIN WINDY ARTANTI (3) Prof. Dr. Iip Izul Falah (4) Dr. Sutarno, M.Si. (5)

Date : 0 2017
Keyword : Hydrocracking ,Waste Lubricant ,CoMo Catalyst,Gelatin,Gasoline Hydrocracking ,Waste Lubricant ,CoMo Catalyst,Gelatin,Gasoline
Abstract : The hydrocracking of waste lubricant into gasoline fraction was carried out using CoMo catalyst supported on mesoporous carbon. The carbon was synthesized using bovine bone gelatin and SBA-15 as a template. The metals were loaded onto the carbon by wet impregnation method. The total metal content of catalyst was prepared into two different amounts which were labelled as CoMo/MCG1 and CoMo/MCG2. Catalytic activity and selectivity were evaluated in hydrocracking of waste lubricant at 450, 475, and 500 °C, and lubricant/catalyst weight ratio of 50, 100, 200, 300, and 400. The result revealed that acidity and specific surface area of the catalyst played an important role in determining the catalytic performance in the hydrocracking of waste lubricant. The highest percentage of gasoline fraction was 58.09%, produced by hydrocracking of waste lubricant at 475 °C and lubricant/catalyst weight ratio of 300 using CoMo/MCG2 catalyst.
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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