Title : Hydroxyl properties of hydrogenated germanosilicate optical fiber due to thermal treatment and ultraviolet irradiation
Author :

Heru Kuswantoro (1) Dr. Arief Hermanto, Drs., S.U., M.Sc. (2) François Goutaland (3) Aziz Boukenter (4) Ouerdane (5)

Date : 0 2017
Keyword : Hydroxyl Nitrogen Optical Fiber Thermal Ultraviolet Hydroxyl Nitrogen Optical Fiber Thermal Ultraviolet
Abstract : © 2017 Sumy State University. The aim of the research was to examine the formation and destruction of the hydroxyl in optical fibers by comparing the ambient atmosphere, air, and nitrogen during thermal treatment from room temperature up to 1100 °C. It has been shown that during the heat treatment, molecular hydrogen dissolved in the fiber plays no role in the formation of OH while under UV irradiation the formation is dependent on the presence of dissolved hydrogen. The heat treatment preferentially leads to the formation of Si-OH, while during irradiation it assists the formation of both Ge-OH and Si-OH.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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