Title : Identification of hydrothermal deposit mineralized zones using the induced polarization method in Kasihan Area, Pacitan, East Java
Author :

Asrafil (1) Drs. Imam Suyanto, M.Si. (2) Rugayya (3)

Date : 0 2019
Keyword : Polarization,Ore deposits Polarization,Ore deposits
Abstract : The research area is one of the areas that have potential of hydrothermal deposit mineralization in Pacitan regency. This research aims to identify the presence of hydrothermal deposit mineralized zones through geophysical exploration by using induced polarization method in the study area. The induced polarization method is used to obtain anomalies in the form of contrast of resistivity and chargeability values in the study area. The results showed that the mineralized zones of hydrothermal deposit in the study area were characterized by significant anomaly contrast with the intensity of medium-high (> 100 ?m) resistivity values associated with medium-value chargeability (20-50 ms). The association of resistivity and other chargeability values shows an intense alteration zone around the metal mineral deposits zone in the subsurface.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Nasional
Status :
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1 2019 - Identification-of-hydrothermal-deposit-mineralized-zones-using-the-induced-polarization-method-in-Kasihan-Area-Pacitan-East-Java2019Journal-of-Physics-Conference-Series.pdf
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2 2019 - Identification-of-hydrothermal-deposit-mineralized-zones-using-the-induced-polarization-method-in-Kasihan-Area-Pacitan-East-Java2019Journal-of-Physics-Conference-Series.pdf
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