Title : Implementasi Pengolahan Citra Digital Sebagai Pengukur Nilai Resistor Pada Sistem Pemindai Resistor Berbasis Android
Author :

Dr. Danang Lelono, S.Si., M.T. (1) Dr. Raden Sumiharto, S.Si., M.Kom (2)

Date : 2015
Keyword : digital image processing, Android, resitor, HSV, light intensity, java digital image processing, Android, resitor, HSV, light intensity, java
Abstract : One of the gadget that is often used is Android smart phones. Android is an OpenSource, it could help user and developer to operate and develop Android Application. There are several problems that need image as an input system, it is caused by the humas’s ability in doing some mathematic functions or supported algorythm. To make the selection color used HSV color space. By using HSV color space allows a system to determine the color value resistor, because the hue value of the component is a representation of the actual color value. This is supported by the saturation level that serves as a color saturation and value as a brightness of color. The results of this research is an implementation of digital image processing as a measure of the value of the resistor. The system is tested by the influence of light intensity and the distance between the camera and resistor. The best results were achieved with the conditions of the room in light intensity between 400 lux to 1200 lux the detection distance between the camera and resistor is 20 cm of maximum value.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Original Language :
Level : Nasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action