Title : Improved C4.5 Algorithm Using The L’hospital Rule And Prunning On The Recommendation System
Author :

MEILANY NONSI TENTUA (1) Dr. Agus Sihabuddin, S.Si., M.Kom. (2)

Date : 0 2019
Keyword : Recommendation system, C4.5 Algorithm, L’Hospital Rule Recommendation system, C4.5 Algorithm, L’Hospital Rule
Abstract : The C4.5 algorithm is a widely used classification method in recommendation system as it has several advantages. However, it also has several disadvantages, such as 1) the finding of nodes with zero values or nearly zero value that does not contribute in generating rules 2) too many nodes are formed so that the tree generated is too large. The weaknesses of the C4.5 algorithm need an improvement so that the algorithm can run well with the existing case. This article proposes an improvement to the C4.5 algorithm by using L’Hospital Rule and prunning (C4.5 LHP algorithm). Based on the experiments conducted using eight datasets, the result shows that the improved C4.5 LHP algorithm has a higher level of accuracy (about 1,08%) compared to the C4.5 algorithm and C4.5 LH. Besides, in terms of the excecution time, the C4.5 LHP algorithm is faster than the C4.5 algorithm.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
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