Title : Inconsistent Rating and Text Review Considering Hidden Risk and Hidden Unfairness for Tourism Business
Author :

MAZAYA ADANI SUHARNO (1) Chao - Lung Yang (2) Ir. I Gusti Bagus Budi Dharma, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng. (3)

Date : 0 2020
Keyword : customer review, inconsistency, risk of the discrepancy, tourism, sentiment analysis customer review, inconsistency, risk of the discrepancy, tourism, sentiment analysis
Abstract : . The rating score and text sentiment of a single customer review does not always have balanced polarity. The imbalance connection between those two review components could negatively influence the potential customer and the product or service provider, especially in the tourism industry. Based on the inconsistent rating and text review, in this study, the terms hidden risk and hidden unfairness are presented. The hidden risk refers to a customer's risk that relies on inconsistent negative- text-review and positive-rating. The hidden unfairness refers to a service provider's risk that consists of inconsistent positive-text-review and negative-rating. Then, the question emerges: how do these discrepancies negatively affect both customers and the product or service providers? The study aims to explore the notable impact of inconsistent rating and text review in terms of customers' and service providers' points of view. The statistical and forecasting tools were utilized to examine hotel reviews as an exemplary case. Analysis ofseveral types of customers(travel as/with business, couple, family, friend, or solo) and hotel businesses (luxury vs budget & independent vs international chain) are also conducted. The analysis results confirm that customers face more hidden risk than hotels encounter the hidden unfairness.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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