Title : Inflation due to a nonminimal coupling of singlet scalars in the radiative seesaw model
Author :

Romy Hanang Setya Budhi, S.Si., M,Sc., Ph.D. (1) Shoichi Kashiwase (2) Daijiro Suematsu (3)

Date : 2016
Keyword : - -
Abstract : The radiative neutrino mass model with inert doublet dark matter is a promising model for the present experimental issues which cannot be explained within the standard model. We study an extension of this model focusing on cosmological features brought about from the scalar sector. Inflation due to singlet scalars with hierarchical nonminimal couplings with the Ricci scalar may give a favorable solution for both neutrino masses and baryon number asymmetry in the Universe.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 PhysRevD_93_013022-min.pdf
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