Title : Inner Local Exponent of Two-coloured Digraphs with Two Cycles of Length n and 4n + 1
Author :

YOGO DWI PRASETYO (1) Prof. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.U. (2) Dr.rer.nat. Yeni Susanti, S.Si., M.Si. (3) Dr. Diah Junia Eksi Palupi, S.U. (4)

Date : 0 2023
Keyword : primitive-digraph, two-coloured-digraph, digraph-with-two-cycles, inner-local-exponent. primitive-digraph, two-coloured-digraph, digraph-with-two-cycles, inner-local-exponent.
Abstract : A two-coloured digraph D (2) is a digraph in which each arc is coloured with one of two colours – for example, red or black. A two-coloured digraph D (2) is said to be primitive if there are positive integers a and i such that for each pair of points x and y in D (2) there is an (a, i)-walk from x to y. The inner local exponent of a point pv in D (2) denoted by expin(pv, D (2)) is the smallest positive integer a + i over all non-negative integers a and i such that there is a walk from each vertex in D (2) to pv consisting of a red arcs and i black arcs. In a two-coloured primitive digraph, two cycles of length n and 4n+1 result in four or five red arcs. For the two-coloured digraphs, primitivity and inner local exponent are discussed at each point.
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 IJCS_50_3_10.pdf
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