Title : Intellectual Property Rights Issues on Foreign Investment - Southeast Asian Investment into Africa
Author :
Date : 0 2008
Abstract : This paper examines whether IPRs protection is essential to generate foreign investment, and it identifies most important issues between IPRs and foreign investment. This is not limited to relationship between Indonesia and Africa, but it might be applicable of IPRs and foreign investment among developing countries. It is found that IPRs protection is essential to attract foreign investment. However, IPRs protection is not the only aspect to magnetize foreign investment. It has been considered that the other two major aspects are labor cost or low wage labor and national stability. Still, it is argued that aspect of low wage labor seems to fail without the availability of industrial skills and infrastructure that can be happened by appropriate IPRs protection.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Hukum
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 Intellectual Property Rights Issues on Foreign Investment - Southeast Asian Investment into Africa - Dina Widyaputri Kariodimedjo (2008).pdf
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