Title : Interpretation of the gravity and magnetic anomalies of the geothermal subsurface structure area in Pamancalan, Lebak, Banten, West Java, Indonesia
Author :

Prof. Dr. Sismanto, M.Si. (1) UJI YASMITA (2) FITRI JUSMI (3)

Date : 2018
Keyword : Gravity and magnetic data ,Geothermal Pamancalan ,Spectrum analysis ,2.5-D and 3-D modeling Gravity and magnetic data ,Geothermal Pamancalan ,Spectrum analysis ,2.5-D and 3-D modeling
Abstract : Pamancalan is located in Lebak Regency, Province of Banten. This area is located in the western part of Java Island, Indonesia. The geothermal manifestation in this area is in the form of hot spring in Cipamancalan River. But, how the structure of the geothermal system, the reservoir depth, and the thermal source in the Pancamalan area has not been studied much. Therefore, there is a need to conduct a geophysics study by surveying the gravity and magnetic field. A study, which used magnetic and gravity data to discover reservoir, has been conducted in the Pamancalan geothermal area in Lebak, Banten. Topographic map for total magnetic and earth gravity anomaly shows that the anomaly is located in the center and southern part of the presumed reservoir. 2.5-D section model of magnetic anomaly shows that there is a rock formation which shaped the geothermal system in Pamancalan. The thermal source is diorite which is a by-product of Hanjawar Mountain; the reservoir rocks consist of sandstone, limestone, and breccia; and the cap rock is in the form of clay and tuff. It is predicted that there is an intrusive body which functions as thermal source in the depth between 1650 and 4000 m, the reservoir depth is around 700 m, and the depth of clay cap is around 0 to 700 m. The geothermal manifestation in Pamancalan area is controlled by Cigeledug fault from the southwest and Cipamancalan fault from the north and south.
Group of Knowledge : Geofisika
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action