Title : Irregular Structure of the Hydrated Ag+ in Aqueous Solution and its Dynamics: an Insight from Perturbation Theory Hybrid Forces Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Author :

Dr.rer.nat. Niko Prasetyo, S.Si., M.Sc. (1)

Date : 25 2022
Keyword : ag+,hydration,qm/mm md simulation ag+,hydration,qm/mm md simulation
Abstract : The structural and dynamic properties of hydrated Ag+ in a water solution were investigated theoretically using hybrid force molecular dynamics simulation. The quantum mechanical region was treated using the resolution of identity MP2 level of a theory enabling the description of the properties of the hydration shell accurately. In contrast to the previously reported linear configuration, the first hydration shell had a irregular shape, with an average coordination number of 5.5. The Ag+–O distance in the first hydration shell was 2.59 Å. The mean residence time of water molecules in the first hydration shell was 0.89 ps, indicating that Ag+ acted as a structure-breaking agent.
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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9 Irregular structure of the hydrated Ag in aqueous solution and its dynamics An insight from perturbation theory hybrid forces molecular.pdf
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10 Irregular structure of the hydrated Ag+ in aqueous solution and its Dynamics_ An insight from perturbation theory hybrid forces molecular dynamics simulation.pdf
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11 Irregular structure of the hydrated Ag+ in aqueous solution and its Dynamics_ An insight from perturbation theory hybrid forces molecular dynamics simulation.pdf
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