Title : Karakterisasi dan Aplikasi Katalis Nikel-Molibdenum Teremban pada Zeolit Alam Aktif untuk Hidrorengkah Tir Batubara
Author :

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karna Wijaya, M.Eng. (2) Drs. Iqmal Tahir, M.Si (3)

Date : 2015
Keyword : catalyst, coal tar, hydrocracking, natural zeolite, nickel-molybdenum catalyst, coal tar, hydrocracking, natural zeolite, nickel-molybdenum
Abstract : Preparation and characterization of nickel-molybdenum catalysts supported on activated natural zeolite over hydrorackingof coal tar have been done. Modification of catalyst was included activation of zeolite by HCl 6N, wet impregnation of Ni-Mo metal and leaching the Ni-Mo from zeolite surfaces with EDTA solution. The parameters of catalyst have been determinedi. e acid site number, the ratio of Si/Al, crystallinity, content of Ni-Mo metal, specific surface area, total pore volume, and poreaverage diameter. The ...
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action
1 2751-5471-1-SM.pdf
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