Title : Low Molecular Weight Chitosan from Shrimp Shell Waste Using Steam-Explosion Process Under Catalyst of Phosphotungstic Acid
Author :

DINA SUGIYANTI (1) Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Anggrahini, M.S. (2) Prof. Dr. Yudi Pranoto, S.T.P., M.P. (3) Prof. Dr. Chairil Anwar (4) Prof. Dr. Ir. Umar Santoso, M.Sc. (5)

Date : 21 2019
Keyword : Chitosan,Low Molecular Weight Chitosan, Phosphotungstic Acid,Steam Explosion Process Chitosan,Low Molecular Weight Chitosan, Phosphotungstic Acid,Steam Explosion Process
Abstract : The limited solubility of chitosan had limiting its application in any fields. Low molecular weight chitosan (LWCS) potentially produced to improve its solubility and characteristics. Steam explosion process was used to breakdown the intermolecular hydrogen bonding and phosphotungstic acid used as catalyst to attact the glycosidic bond and produce shorter chain. The optimum temperature, pressure and phosphotungstic acid concentration on steam explosion process presented highest water solubility at T=160oC, P=6 bar and 0.1%, respectively. It didn’t showed any change of functional group on FTIR analysis, no morphological damage by SEM analysis, and reduced the crystallinity. The particle size and molecular weight was reduced from 100 µm to 255 nm and 5570 kDa to 4800 Da, respectively. It can be known that LWCS potentially produced with high solubility and fine characteristics through steam explosion process catalyzed by phosphotungstic acid.
Group of Knowledge :
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action
1 OJC_Vol35_No1_p_193-199.pdf
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