Title : LQ Cooperative Distributed MPCTo Protect Buildings From Seismic Activities
Author :

Prof. Dr. Salmah, M.Si. (2)

Date : 2013
Keyword : cooperative distributed MPC, two connected buildings control, buildings seismic protection cooperative distributed MPC, two connected buildings control, buildings seismic protection
Abstract : In this paper, we study an LQ cooperative distributed MPC based on LQ cooperative game theory and apply it to reduce the vibration of two connected buildings caused by seismic activities. Two connected buildings system is a systemwide that contains two subsystems connected by a bridge. The model of this systemwide can be written as a composite model that is the combination of decentralized model and interaction model between subsystem. The control purpose is reducing the vibration or regulating the displacements of buildings from their origin. The optimal control action of the LQ cooperative distributed MPC is determined by finding Pareto solution. We simulate this control design using two schemes that are initial response and seismic response. From the simulation results, the controller reduces the vibration of the system and brings the states to the origin faster than uncontrolled system.
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action