Title : Magnetic Field Dependence of Spatiotemporal Chaos in a Homeotropic Nematic System
Author :

Dr. Eng. Rinto Anugraha NQZ, S.Si., M.Si. (1)

Date : 2010
Keyword : soft-mode turbulence,nematic liquid crystals,spatiotemporal chaos soft-mode turbulence,nematic liquid crystals,spatiotemporal chaos
Abstract : We investigate the response of electroconvective patterns to an external magnetic field H in a homeotropic nematic system where spatiotemporal chaos called soft-mode turbulence (SMT) occurs. The pattern ordering Mp , which shows pattern regularity in SMT, increases with the magnetic field H due to the suppression of the azimuthal rotational freedom. Three regions in the H-dependence of Mp are found: the zero regime, the steep increase regime and the saturated regime. In the steep increase regime, Mp shows a linear relation with H2, from which the susceptibility Xp for the pattern ordering is obtained.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 JPSJ_79_123001_2010.pdf
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