Title : Migration Technique Selection and Radon Filter Usage to Improve Seismic Section Image Quality
Author :

Goldy Oceaneawan (1) Theodosius Marwan Irnaka, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr. (2) Haryo Satrio Wahyu Trihutomo (3)

Date : 2010
Keyword : seismic,reflection,radon,F-K,filter seismic,reflection,radon,F-K,filter
Abstract : Marine seismic data has been processed with Promax Ver. 2003.3.3 software based on observed report data. Processing was done using conventional concept of 2D seismic data processing. Stacking Time Migration through two steps velocity analysis using F-K Migration and Kirchhoff Migration resulted different appearance of seismic section. These two results have been compared. Kirchhoff Migration technique showed seismic section with better resolution and lateral continuity than F-K Migration technique on this data. Coherence noise, such as; multiple and diffraction effects that often occur in marine seismic data also exist on seismic section after migration applied. A Filter that works based on Radon Transformation Principle has applied to reduce those effects. The filter that called "Radon Filter" was proven effectively for reducing multiple and diffraction effects on the data. Better Seismic Section that free from coherence noise could be resulted after the filter applied. note : full author list : Goldy Oceaneawan, Theodosius Marwan Irnaka, Haryo Satriyo Wahyu Triutomo
Group of Knowledge : Geofisika
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action