Title : Model Predictive Control for Obstacle Avoidance of Small Scale Helicopter as Hybrid Systems
Author :

Prof. Dr. Salmah, M.Si. (1)

Date : 2013
Keyword : model predictive control (MPC); unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV); small scale helicopter; obstacle avoidance; piecewise affine (PWA); mixed logical dynamic (MLD) model predictive control (MPC); unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV); small scale helicopter; obstacle avoidance; piecewise affine (PWA); mixed logical dynamic (MLD)
Abstract : In this paper, we apply model predictive control for obstacle avoidance of small scale helicopter as a hybrid system such that this UAV can determine the optimal trajectory from initial position to the target position and avoid an obstacle. The hybrid dynamics of this UAV can be interpreted as a piecewise affine (PWA) model that can be transformed into equivalent mixed logical dynamical model (MLD). The PWA model is triggered by state events (coordinate of the UAV for this case). MPC for MLD can be solved using mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP). We simulate the model and the controller with several shapes of obstacles. From the simulation results, UAV avoids the obstacle optimally using the track generated by MPC.
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action