Title : Modeling of the earth’s crust and upper mantle beneath central part of Java Island using receiver function data
Author :

Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si. (1)

Date : 18 2019
Keyword : receiver function,central java,MERAMEX receiver function,central java,MERAMEX
Abstract : The objectives of this research are to model the earth crust and Mohorovi?i? depth at part of Central java island. The subsurface modeling has been carried out using the inversion of receiver function techniques and stacking H-?. The methodology of this research using the inversion technique and the H-? stacking technique to obtain subsurface structures and determine the depth of Mohorovi?i? discontinuity. The results of this research are the average depth of Mohorovi?i? discontinuity is 33.54 km and the value of ? 1.65. The depth of Mohorovi?i?'s discontinuity in Yogyakarta and Semarang is 25-33km. Based on the inversion technique, there is a low speed anomaly between Mt. Merapi and Mt. Lawu at a depth of 11-19 km known as MLA (Merapi Lawu Anomaly) under the Kendeng Zone. The P wave velocity at a depth of 11 Km has a pattern which is interpreted as the long subduction zone of the dominant Maratus trend. The fact that proves the old subduction is the P wave velocity pattern near Karangsambung which has melange outcrops.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action