Title : Modelling of Volcanic and Tectonic Structures and Processes
Author :

Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si. (1) Dr.rer.nat. Ade Anggraini, S.Si., M.Si. (2)

Date : 2016
Abstract : 1. IntroductionThis project aims to reinforce existing collaborations between french and indonesian partners participating to DOMERAPI project financed by ANR ( and in the continuity of this project to iniate scientific exchanges related to inovative researches in the fields of seismology, geodetic and geophysics of active volcanoes and faults.2. Scientific objectivesThe project involves a consortium of different indonesian and french institutions combining different scientific tasks. Task 1 Upper crustal shear-wave velocity structure beneath Merapi from ambient noise tomography.We propose to apply transdimensional Bayesian Inversion of ambient seismic noise cross-correlation to delineate the structure beneath the Merapi and Merbabu complex. Task 2 Volcanic processes related with the activity in the conduit and the domeWe aim to characterize the sources of seismic and deformation activity of Merapi, related to processes into the conduit and on the flank as rock-falls and lahars by using the multiparameter database from DOMERAPI project stations (seismic antenna, broadband stations, GPS and tiltmeters). Task 3 Improving observation and modeling tools for volcano monitoringWe propose to reinforce the monitoring systems of selected active volcanoes, adapting the innovative system WebObs from IPGP and standard international seismic data chains like SeisComP3. Task 4 Active Fault Observation and Research on Earthquake Potential: Opak Fault Yogyakarta IndonesiaOn 26 May 2006, Yogyakarta was stroke by a devastating earthquake, which coincided to an increase of eruptive activity of Merapi volcano. UGM and IRD started a seismic experiment in the Opak fault region. The objectives are earthquake source, deformation field analysis and investigation of possible interaction between Opak fault and Merapi activity. Task 5 Volcano-earthquake interaction (Sumatra project)We propose to address a very innovative subject, the response of the volcanic chain of Sumatra in response to large earthquakes to evaluate the correlation with the seismic velocity drop and the pressurized volcanic fluids in the crust using seismic velocity changes. Task 6 Risk and perception of natural hazards Perspectives of earth sciences, social sciences and humanities.
Group of Knowledge : Geofisika
Original Language :
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action