Title : Modification of Humic Acid by Ether Functional Group As Biosorbent to Au(III) Adsorption in The Presence of Sn(II) and Ni(II)
Author :

Ika Yanti (1) WAHYU FAJAR WINATA (2) Dr. Sri Sudiono, S.Si., M.Si. (3) Prof. Dr. Triyono, S.U. (4)

Date : 0 2017
Keyword : adsorption,acids,Fourier analysis,Atomic spectroscopy,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy adsorption,acids,Fourier analysis,Atomic spectroscopy,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Abstract : Modification of humic acid on the phenolic functional group with dimethylsulfate (DMS) for adsorption Au(III) in the presence of Sn(II) and Ni(II) have been conducted. Ash content was analyzed and characterized by FourierTransform Infrared (FTIR). Determination of Au(III) adsorption in the presence of Sn(II) and Ni(II) was conducted by Atomic Adsorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The isolated humic acid has 19.8% ash content and after purification has 0.6% ash content, etherified humic acid (EHAs) has 1.4% ash content. Adsorption percentage of Au(III) in the presence of Sn(II) and Ni(II) by EHAs decreased until 4.936% and 41.782% respectively. The addition of Sn(II) and Ni(II) as competitors of Au(III) in the Au(III) adsorption by using EHAs, were affect the percentage of Au(III) adsorption.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
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