Title : Modul Brief Version of Mindful Self-Compassion (Luring - Daring)
Author :

Aisha Sekar Lazuardini Rachmanie, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog. (1) Prof. Dr. Sofia Retnowati, M.S., Psikolog (2)

Date : 16 2024
Abstract :
Group of Knowledge :
Original Language :
Level : Nasional
Status :
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1 4_ Surat-Pernyataan-Hak-Cipta.pdf
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3 1_ Surat-Permohonan-Pembiayaan-Hak-Cipta.docx
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4 2_ Surat-Pengalihan-Hak-Cipta.pdf
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5 2_ Surat-Pengalihan-Hak-Cipta.docx
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6 7_ Scan KTP Pencipta.pdf
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7 3_ Formulir-Permohonan-Pencatatan-Ciptaan-dan-lampiran.pdf
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8 3_ Formulir-Permohonan-Pencatatan-Ciptaan-dan-lampiran.docx
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9 5_ Form-Alamat-para-Pencipta.pdf
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10 5_ Form-Alamat-para-Pencipta.docx
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11 6_ Bukti Ciptaan.pdf
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