Title : Morphotectonic and Orogenic Uplift of Cyclops Mountains, Papua
Author :

Ir. Salahuddin, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. (1) Rezy Syahputra (2) Dr.rer.nat. Mochamad Nukman, S.T., M.Sc. (3) Ir. Nugroho Imam Setiawan, S.T., M.T., D.Sc., IPM. (4) Dimas Triadi Wicaksono (5) Widodo Nugroho (6)

Date : 0 2018
Keyword : Cyclops Mountains,episodic orogenic u plift,erosional terraces,Jayapura Cyclops Mountains,episodic orogenic u plift,erosional terraces,Jayapura
Abstract : Cyclops Mountains is located in the northern coast of Jayapura, a structural mountain stretching east-west and bordering the Papua Island with the Pacific Ocean. It is considered as the last accreted terranes of Pacific Plate origin wit hin along history of oceanic arc obduction onto the northern Australian passive margin since Cenozoic. The orogenic uplift took placesince Pleistocene with subduction tectonic as the main mechanism along the New Guinea Trench, with the resulting NE-SWcompressive stress as indicated by focal mechanism of 2003 and 2006 inland earthquakes. This paper attempts to examinemorphotectonic of Cyclops Mountains and interpreting them in the perspective of orogenic processes. Necessary data wereobtained through remote sensing analysis and geological field mapping that conducted in the eastern part of Cyclops MountainsThe highest peak of Cyclops Mountains is Merahriboh Mount, reaching elevation of 3200 m asl and forming an erosionalescarpment with average slope of 25 . There are 4 erosional terraces developed at the elevation of 100, 200, 400 and 800 m aslsuggests an episodic tectonic uplift. Those erosional escarpment and terraces were systematically incised by several NE-SW andNW-SE gorges. The NE-SW gorges are associated with left-lateral strike-slip faults, which were cut by the NW-SE gorgesassociated with thrust faults. Although located in a young orogenic terrain, those faults are considered inactive, as indicated byundisturbed lateritic soil profiles. Those faults only deformed the bedrocks which were composed of serpentinized harzburgitesConsidering the regional tectonic framework and physiography, it is deduced that the tectonic forces received by CyclopsMountains from various distant earthquakes were homogenously distributed and translated into lithospheric uplift en masse.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Nasional
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