Title : Multi-epoch GNSS data analysis on Geodynamics study of Java island
Author :

Prof. Ir. Leni Sophia Heliani, S.T., M.Sc., D.Sc., IPU. (1) Drs. Danardono, MPH., Ph.D. (2) Ir. Nurrohmat Widjajanti, M.T., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN.Eng (3) Hidayat Panuntun, S.T., M.Eng., D.Sc. (4)

Date : 0 2014
Keyword : GNSS,geodynamics,multi-epoch Data,displacement analysis GNSS,geodynamics,multi-epoch Data,displacement analysis
Abstract : Geometrics method base on multi-epoch GNNS data is one of the method usages on geodynamic study. Tree epoch of GNNS measurement at 4 tide gauges stations were used to measure general feature of the geodynamic of Java Island in 3 Dimensions. The coordinate solutions have been determined using simultaneous network adjustment connected to the global network that available around Indonesia, those are: COCO, BAN2, PIMO, DGAR, NTUS and DARW. The processing of four days GNNS (Rinex) data have been done through a daily processing using GAMIT and a combination processing using GLOBK. The outputs of the computation are the information of baseline and its precision, the estimated coordinate and its standard deviation. Two types of analysis were used to determine the difference between the 2009, 2010 and 2012 solutions, those are: raw and global analysis using the GLOBK combined solution. In this way the changes in the position of each GNSS point between the two epochs were determined. The displacement analysis was based on this result.
Group of Knowledge : Teknik Geodesi
Level : Internasional
Status :
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