Title : Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data Processing Multiple Attenuation of Line 250 at the Coast of Southern California Using Hyperbolic Radon Transform
Author :

Adam Sukma Putra, S.Si., M.Si. (1) Prof. Dr. Sismanto, M.Si. (2)

Date : 0 2021
Keyword : Seismic Processing,Multiple Attenuation,Radon Transform,Marine Seismic Seismic Processing,Multiple Attenuation,Radon Transform,Marine Seismic
Abstract : Multichannel seismic reflection data processing of line 250 at the Coast of Southern California has been done by using Echos®. The purpose of this research is to separate multiple reflections from the primary reflection. Multiple reflections yield dramatic effect especially on marine seismic survey. Multiple reflections in marine seismic data is the noise caused by waves that trapped in a layer of sea water or rock layers. One of geophysics exploration problem is removing multiple reflections from primary reflection. Multiple reflections often destructively interfere with the primary reflection making interpretation difficult, so it’s needed to get seismic section free from multiple reflections. There are some methods to attenuate the multiple reflections, one of them is Hyperbolic Radon transform. Hyperbolic Radon transform method works by transforming the data from time-offset domain into the Radon domain. Primary reflection and multiple reflections can be separated into Radon domain. In the end of this research, seismic section before and after multiple attenuation using hyperbolic Radon transform were compared. Based on the result of processing, it can be concluded that hyperbolic Radon transform is effective to attenuate multiple reflections at 0,24-1,25s TWT. But, it can eliminate some of data and makes seismic section seen unclear
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
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1 Putra_2021_J__Phys___Conf__Ser__1949_012020.pdf
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