Title : Natural dyes as a Photosensitizer from Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Author :

KARTIKA SARI (1) Sunardi (2) Dita Asa Panunggul (3) Prof. Dr. Agung Bambang Setio Utomo, S.U. (4) Parmin Lumban Toruan (5) Ampala Khoryanton (6)

Date : 0 2023
Keyword : dyes, dragon fruit, solar, cell dyes, dragon fruit, solar, cell
Abstract : Natural dye is one of the important materials of DSSC whichabsorbs photons from the sun’s rays and transmits the photoelectron. One of the natural dyes is dragon fruit dye. The characterization of the optical and electrical properties of asensitizer DSSC used a UV-Vis spectrometer, FTIR spectrometer,and solar power meter. The absorption spectra of dragon fruit dyeextracted were obtained by UV-Vis spectrophotometer, FourierTransforms Infra-Red (FT-IR) was used to characterize the dye’scomponents, and measure the radiated and transmitted sunlight bysolar power meters. Result of UV-Vis absorbance, dragon fruitdye has the highest absorbance rate with a peak of 530 nm and bandgap of 2.09 eV, while the ZnO sensitized by dragon fruit dyehas the highest absorbance rate with a peak of 535 nm andbandgap of 2.56 eV. From FT-IR spectrometer result shows that dye extracted from dragon fruit, and ZnO sensitized by dragon fruit dye contained C=O stretching vibrations at the peak of1716 cm -1 , and the peak at 3423 cm -1 , and 3448 cm -1 shows the O-H stretching vibration. The C-O-C which corresponds to the esters group for dragon fruit’s dye is observed. It is a part of anthocyanin and chlorophyll. Zinc oxide (ZnO) paste is coated onthe Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) as the thin film is dipped in the dragon fruit dye extracted for 30 hours. A thin film is prepared asthe working electrode and counter electrode. The characteristic ofcurrent and voltage (I-V) as electrical properties are measured bythe solar power meter. The best efficiency of dragon fruit dyeextracted is 0.03%, and it can absorb the light from the sun. Theperformances of the dye absorption spectrum on the surface areaare important aspects to determine the efficiency of the solar cell.The dragon fruit dye extracted coated ZnO thin film could beused as a sensitizer since it will increase the correlation betweenthe ZnO thin film and dye. And the last, it will improve the quality of solar cells as well. The dragon fruit dye has the potential a natural sensitizer in DSSC.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Nasional
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