Title : Neutrino Mass
Author :

Mirza Satriawan, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (1)

Date : 0 2008
Keyword : seesaw mechanism,neutrino mass,left-right symmetry seesaw mechanism,neutrino mass,left-right symmetry
Abstract : I present the possibility to have very small neutrino masses even if the neutrino is Dirac particles. The very small mass of neutrinos is generated through the usual symmetry breaking of certain Higgs potential coupled with a Yukawa terms that leads to a (type II) seesaw-like mechanism. The whole scenario is based on the old left-right symmetry models, where the right weak current is suppressed due to a very high mass of the WR, together with a Higgs potential employing one bidoublet and two left-right doublets.
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Level : Nasional
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