Title : Notes on Rayleigh Dispersion Curves Created by F-K Transform due to Incomplete Frequencies of Input Data(Penulis ke-3 dari 4 penulis)
Author :

Prof. Dr. Sismanto, M.Si. (1)

Date : 2014
Keyword : F-K transform, MASW, incomplete frequencies. F-K transform, MASW, incomplete frequencies.
Abstract : The F-K transform is one of time series tools for transforming the space-time data to the frequency-wave numbers (F-K) data, which can used for preparing the F-V diagram at the MASW manual dispersion-curve pick. A test for frequency completeness to the F-V diagram performed to understand the importance of error raising due to this incompleteness. Two simple sine model (single and multi-frequencies) used for this test. These tests shows that the incompleteness of frequency of the seismic trace data will creating unwanted/error closures. This will influence the wrong dispersion curve picked data, and creating the wrong inversion shear-velocity profile’s model. For real field data process, it is important to be sure that we just picked the phase velocity at the right frequency content of our field data.
Group of Knowledge : Geofisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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