Title : Numerical modeling of 2D seismic wave propagation in fluid saturated porous media using graphics processing unit (GPU): Study case of realistic simple structural hydrocarbon trap
Author :

Dr. Sudarmaji, S.Si, M.Si. (1) Prof. Dr. Sismanto, M.Si. (2)

Date : 2016
Keyword : Porous media, Seismic waves, Numerical modeling, Seismic sources, Boundary value problems Porous media, Seismic waves, Numerical modeling, Seismic sources, Boundary value problems
Abstract : Numerical modeling of 2D seismic wave propagation in homogeneous fluid saturated porous media using graphics processing unit (GPU) has been done. The source code program based on Cuda C/C++ for modeling of 2D seismic wave propagation in saturated fluid porous media using the finite difference staggered grid method has been developed. The source code accesses the device Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) in the calculation instead of the CPU (Central Processing Unit). The First derivative of Gaussian function has been selected as source wave. The CPML method (convolutional perfectly matched layer method) has been implemented as absorption layer to solve free surface boundary conditions. Comparison of GPU and CPU usage has been calculated for the assessment of the speed, accuracy, and stability of the computation. Numerical modeling of 2D seismic wave propagation in thefluid-saturated porous medium was applied to the model of simple realistic structural hydrocarbon trap type. The velocity of solid frame and fluid pore (fast- and slow-P wave) can be seen clearly from the reservoir.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action