Title : Numerical Study of the Fermi Surface Evolution in Cuprates Using the One-Band Hubbard Model
Author :

LANANG MAULANA A (1) Dr. Iman Santoso, S.Si., M.Sc. (2)

Date : 0 2020
Keyword : Cuprate, Fermi Surface Evolution, One-Band Hubbard Model, Order Parameter Cuprate, Fermi Surface Evolution, One-Band Hubbard Model, Order Parameter
Abstract : A Numerical calculation of the Fermi Surface (FS) evolution in cuprate using the one-band Hubbard model by the matrix diagonalization method has been done. This work focusses on the study of the evolution of the FS in the cuprate material, namely , numerically by introducing a specific order parameter in the Hubbard model matrix. In this study, we confirm two evolution types of the FS of as an experimental result. Firstly, the evolution of the antibonding FS topology from the electron-like to the hole-like is generated by the order parameter that has a form of where is the order parameter coefficient that corresponds to the hopping parameter of the atomic neighbor long-range interaction and is the normalized momenta coordinate of the first Brillouin zone. On the contrary, the order parameter that has a form of generates the evolution of the FS from the hole-like topology to the electron-like topology. Secondly, the anisotropic evolution of the FS can be described by an extended d-wave order parameter which generating either the V-shape or U-shape type of the energy gap.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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