Title : On Modelling and Solving Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem with Multi-Trips and Multi-Products
Author :

FRAN SETIAWAN (1) Prof. Ir. Nur Aini Masruroh, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng. (2) ZITA IGA PRAMUDITHA (3)

Date : 0 2019
Keyword : Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem,Multi-Trips,Multi-Products,Mixed Integer Linear Programming,Genetic Algorithm Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem,Multi-Trips,Multi-Products,Mixed Integer Linear Programming,Genetic Algorithm
Abstract : Vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a model to determine an optimal routing plan for a fleet of homogeneous vehicles to serve a set customer which some operational constraints are satisfied. In most practical distribution problems, customer demands are served using heterogeneous fleet of vehicles. This kind of VRP is called Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem (HVRP). HVRP has evolved into a rich research area because of its practical. There were many studies of rich extensions of the standar HVRP. This research aims to enrich the extentions of HVRP which is motivated by real case in one of pharmacy distribution company in Indonesia which is delivered multi-products to its 55 customers by allowing some vehicles which has small capacity to perform multi-trips. This problem is called Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem with Multi-Trips and Multi-Products (HVRPMTMP). The mixed integer linear programming is developed based on four-index vehicle flow formulation. The model can be used generally in the same context of distribution problem. HVRPMTMP is generally NP-Hard problem, so the computational time using branch and bound in LINGO 16.0 is increasing exponentially by increasing the number of customers. Genetic algorithm is proposed to solve the real case. The result of the proposed GA can reduce the total cost from Rp 352540.6,- to Rp 180555,- or 48.78% from the current company policy.
Group of Knowledge : Teknik Industri
Original Language : English
Level : Nasional
Status :
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