Title : Order-Disorder Phase Transition in a Chaotic System
Author :

Dr. Eng. Rinto Anugraha NQZ, S.Si., M.Si. (1)

Date : 2008
Keyword : soft-mode turbulence,spatiotemporal chaos soft-mode turbulence,spatiotemporal chaos
Abstract : For soft-mode turbulence, which is essentially the spatiotemporal chaos caused by the nonlinear interaction between convective modes and Goldstone modes in electroconvection of homeotropic nematics, a type of order-disorder phase transition was revealed, in which a new order parameter was introduced as pattern ordering. We calculated the spatial correlation function and the anisotropy of the convective patterns as a 2D XY system because the convective wave vector could freely rotate in the homeotropic system. We found the hidden order in the chaotic patterns observed beyond the Lifshitz frequency fL, and a transition from a disordered to a hidden ordered state occurred at the fL with the increase of the frequency of the applied voltages.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 PhysRevLett_100_164503_2008.pdf
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