Title : Particle tracking simulation for central region optimization in DECY-13 cyclotron
Author :

SUHADAH RABI'ATUL A (1) Emy Mulyani (2) Mirza Satriawan, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (3)

Date : 11 2021
Keyword : particle tracking,simulation,cyclotron particle tracking,simulation,cyclotron
Abstract : Optimization of the central region of the DECY-13 cyclotron has been carried out. Optimization is done by changing the geometry or the configuration of the components of central region (puller and beam guide position). Different configurations result in different distributions of electric field. The amount of ejected particles from the central region will be different for different configurations. A parameter that can be used to see the number of ejected particles is the phase width, since the particle accelerating electric field oscillate with respect to time. The electric field distribution for this simulation is obtained from potential simulation of central region using electrostatic solver from OPERA3D software. One particle trajectory simulation was performed using the 4th order Runge Kutta written in Scilab, with the initial kinetic energy of the particle is set to be 3 eV. The results show that the configuration with a 1 mm shift of puller 2 and beam guide 2 to the negative x, y axis is the optimal configuration. This configuration provides a 34o phase width, precise trajectory through the puller gap and optimal axial motion of the particles. It is also known that 40 kV is the most optimal voltage to obtain the largest phase width.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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