Title : Pemodelan Harmonik untuk Pelafalan Makhraj Huruf Hijaiah
Author :

M FADHLULLAH K T Q (1) Catur Atmaji, S.Si., M.Cs. (2)

Date : 1 2022
Keyword : Harmonic Plus Residual, Taskin, Tasydid, parameter optimal Harmonic Plus Residual, Taskin, Tasydid, parameter optimal
Abstract : Learning to pronounce hijaiah letters needs to be assessed objectively, so it is necessary to form digital audio resulting from the synthesis of Harmonic Plus Residual (HPR) modeling, which is conducted with two pronunciation methods, taskin and tasydid. The experiment consists of data acquisition, signal cutting, framing and windowing, detection of fundamental and harmonic frequencies, synthesis of HPR, to produce synthetic signals. The results of the synthetic signals were then analyzed qualitatively by signal spectrogram analysis and scoring. From the experimental results, it can be concluded that this study was ultimately unable to determine thebest HPR parameters but concluded that the tasydid method was the best method for learning pronunciation and for the HPR model synthesis. This is because the tasydid method with different parameters but all of them can produce good synthetic signal, both in terms of comparative analysis of similar signal spectrograms and from the results of scoring with an average value of 10. On the other hand, the taskin method harf shows unsatisfactory results, where the synthetic sound is mostly just noise, so the scoring results is under9, and is reinforced by the results of the spectrogram comparison between the original and synthetic signals which visually different.
Group of Knowledge : Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG)
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
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