Title : Pemodelan Sistem Kendali PID pada Quadcopter dengan Metode Euler Lagrange
Author :

Dr. Andi Dharmawan, S.Si., M.Cs. (1) Dr. Noorma Yulia Megawati, S.Si., M.Sc. (3)

Date : 2014
Keyword : Modelling, Euler Lagrange, Quadcopter, PID, Control Modelling, Euler Lagrange, Quadcopter, PID, Control
Abstract : This study aims to create and produce the basics of modeling a Quadcopter control system with PID method. The expected benefits of the research is to be the basis of learning or as a reference for conducting research as a process of development of the system. The parameters used in this modeling is the mass, arm length, radius, torque motors, and motor speed. Some assumptions are applied in these modeling ie, the structure of the Quadcopter considered rigid, the structure of the Quadcopter considered symmetric, gravity load Quadcopter assumed to be right in the middle (center of mass) Quadcopter, and vibration effects of each propeller is considered not happen. The controller was analyzed in this study there are proportional controllers, Proportional Integral controller, proportional derivative controller, also proportional Integral and Derivative controller. Tests carried out in accordance with the analysis using matlab to determine the response of each system. Results from this research that modeling can be used to predict and control that is used to predict the constants of each controller. If the system is ideal, just use the controller in the form of PD control.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
Status :
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1 Pemodelan Sistem Kendali PID pada Quadcopter dengan Metode Euler Lagrange.pdf
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