Title : Penerapan Rule Based dalam Membangun Transliterator Jawatex
Author :

Prof. Dr. Ir. Jazi Eko Istiyanto, M.Sc. (1) Prof. Dra. Sri Hartati, M.Sc., Ph.D. (2) Prof. Dr. Marsono, S.U. (3) Prof. Dr. Techn. Ahmad Ashari, M.I.Kom. (4)

Date : 0 2013
Keyword : Latin string split pattern, rule based, Pattern Matching, The Context-Free Recursive-Descent Parser, JawaTeX, LaTeX Latin string split pattern, rule based, Pattern Matching, The Context-Free Recursive-Descent Parser, JawaTeX, LaTeX
Abstract : The transliteration model needed recently does not focus on the font making, yet more to the transliteration of Latin text document. Therefore it is necessary to build the transliteration model named JawaTeX to transliterate the Latin text document to Javanese characters. The Latin text document is parsed to determine the list of Latin string split patterns as token. The parser method used in this research is The Context Free Recursive Descent Parser. The Latin text document processing becomes the list of the Latin string split pattern by using rule-based method, whereas the matching process of each Latin string split pattern in maping form of LaTeX uses Pattern Matching method. With the rule-based method, the unsolved problems of the previous researhes can be overcomed by using certain methods. The established transliteration model is suppported by the production rule of browsing the Latin string split pattern, the models of the Latin string split pattern, the production rule for the Latin-Javanese character mapping, the models of syntax coding pattern, style or macro LaTeX, Javanese character metafont, and JawaTeX program consisting of parsing program and LaTeX style used to code LaTeX syntax. The established transliteration model is completed with the spelling checker to correct the mistake of letter typing. JawaTeX program consists of checking program and Latin string split to browse the Latin string pattern and LaTeX style which are used to code LaTeX syntax. Several testing results prove that if the user can write every word correctly including absorption suitable with the original pronunciation and write or re-arrange the Latin spelling in the source text, so the transliteration model of the Latin text document to Javanese character formed can be used to transliterate the Latin text document to Javanese character writing. The concept of the text document split and the established transliteration in this article can be used as a basis to develop other cases. For the next research, the Javanese character split writing in good form still needs to be developed. The Javanese character writing sometimes cannot be justified allignment since the Javanese character writing does not recognize space between words.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
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