Title : Performance analysis of carbon-based perovskite solar cells by graphene oxide as hole transport layer: Experimental and numerical simulation
Author :

ERI WIDIANTO (1) Shobih (2) Erlyta Septa Rosa (3) Prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Si. (4) Natalita Maulani Nursam (5) Dr. Iman Santoso, S.Si., M.Sc. (6)

Date : 17 2021
Keyword : graphene oxide,Hole transport layer (HTL),Perovskite solar cell,SCAPS-1D simulation graphene oxide,Hole transport layer (HTL),Perovskite solar cell,SCAPS-1D simulation
Abstract : This study compares the experimental photovoltaic performance of methylammonium lead triiodide perovskite solar cell (PSC) containing graphene oxide (GO) and its numerical modelling using Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator-One Dimensional (SCAPS-1D) simulation software. The simulated data from the SCAPS-1D and the experimental results are subsequently compared and then used as a basis to further optimize the solar cell performance. The effect of active layer thickness, hole transport layer (HTL) thickness, the interface defect density, and parasitic resistances (RS and RSH) was specifically investigated to understand what factors should be optimized to boost the device performance. An optimum PCE of 16.51% was achieved using SCAPS-1D simulation. Our work could be used to predict the crucial parameters in optimizing PSCs with GO as HTL. Additionally, the simulation work also provides useful information in selecting material parameters for developing highly efficient low-cost photovoltaic devices in the near future.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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