Title : Photoacoustic microscopy system for biological tissue imaging
Author :

DWI GUSTIN NURDIALIT (1) AHMAD MUJTAHID ANAS (2) Prof. Dr. Mitrayana, S.Si., M.Si. (3)

Date : 5 2023
Keyword : Photoacoustic,microscopy,biological,tissue,imaging Photoacoustic,microscopy,biological,tissue,imaging
Abstract : A photoacoustic microscopy system was created and examined for biological tissue. Characterization of microphone, laser, and motor stepper was done to get the most appropriate setting for the system. The object table is set in a static state in the scanning process while the radiation sources and detector move in the X-Y direction. The hardware components in this system consist of photoacoustic signal generation components, mechanical components, and photoacoustic signal detection components. The hardware components are integrated and controlled by the computer through the Raspberry-pi microcomputer software. The characterization results of the photoacoustic image system obtained the optimum system setting for detecting biological tissue, namely the frequency of the diode laser in the range of 19 kHz with a duty cycle of 30%, with a minimum motor shift of 0.2 mm. This system can image the same biological tissue as the original sample with good image contrast. The smallest sample that can be scanned is 0.75 mm. The photoacoustic penetration depth is 0.5 mm.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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