Title : Pool Adjacent Violators Based Biometric Rank Level Fusion
Author :

Dr. Nanang Susyanto, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Act.Sc. (1)

Date : 2017
Keyword : rank level fusion, pool adjacent violators, biometric fusion, biometric identification, multimodal. rank level fusion, pool adjacent violators, biometric fusion, biometric identification, multimodal.
Abstract : We propose a new method in rank level fusion for biometric identification. Our method is based on the pool adjacent violators (PAV) algorithm after the ranks have been transformed to the approximated scores. We then show that our method outperforms various approaches that commonly used in biometric rank level fusion on NIST BSSR1 multimodal database.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action